Opening Statement for Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Hearing on the Clean Water Act
October 16, 2009
Congressman Robert E. Latta I believe there is an impending crisis in this country in relation to water infrastructure issues. During my time in Congress one of main priorities has been to assist the local communities in my District with their water infrastructure issues. It is the main issue I hear over and over from local communities, as they simply do not have the financial means to address regulations that have been placed upon them in relation to drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. Last spring, I sent Administrator Jackson, along with some of my Ohio colleagues, a letter requesting information about the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) and its enforcement of water infrastructure issues in the state. I was disappointed that the response came from the EPA Chicago Region 5 office rather than from Ms. Jackson herself. During these difficult economic times for our country and its citizens, Ohio communities are being put in a very tough situation: feeling great pressure to comply with regulations while at the same time facing the reality that, in many cases, there simply are not funds available for these communities to fund the projects being mandated upon them. To make the best of this situation, I respectfully requested then, and respectfully request now, that Ms. Jackson direct the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to, as appropriate, grant variances so these communities can make the improvements needed to their drinking water and wastewater systems. While we all agree that our nation’s health, quality of life, and economic well-being rely on adequate drinking water and wastewater treatment, the current requirements present an undue burden on these Ohio communities during these tough economic times. I look forward to continuing to work the Committee and the EPA on this very important issue. Thank you and I yield back my time. |