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Congressman Latta Opening Statement for Communications, Technology & the Internet Subcommittee Hearing on H.R. 3101

Congressman Robert E. Latta
The Committee on Energy & Commerce
Subcommittee on Communications, Technology & the Internet
Opening Statement – For the Record
June 10, 2010

MR. CHAIRMAN; RANKING MEMBER STEARNS:  Thank you for holding this subcommittee hearing on H.R. 3101, the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2009.  It is my understanding that the legislation would expand accessibility for individuals with vision, hearing and other disabilities to “Internet-enabled” communications services, equipment, and software.  With the latest technology and innovations in the marketplace, it is important that these individuals with disabilities have access to Internet related communications and equipment. 

I am interested to hear from our panelists today regarding their ideas and suggestions for helping to reach a consensus on how best to move forward on the issues in this legislation.  The Internet, and all the communication services related to it, is an important tool for employment opportunities.  It is also a gateway for individuals to be connected to their greater community.  While working on this legislation, the Subcommittee needs to work with all the stakeholders to ensure that all the benefits of the Internet are extended to people with disabilities without placing mandates on private industry that curbs innovation. 

Technology is constantly changing, and it is difficult for Congress to legislate policies for new technological devices that will exist in the years ahead.  As we move forward on this bill, and other bills in this Subcommittee, I firmly believe that we must allow industry to continue to be innovative and by doing this it will allow the market place to provide for all individuals.  Through the process, we must not mandate such detailed items for these devices that it prevents technology from moving forward.  I hope that all the stakeholder groups involved in this issue can work towards a consensus that provides better access to all individuals with vision, hearing and other disabilities of these “Internet-enabled” communications services, equipment and software.  I look forward to hearing the testimony today, and I look forward to continuing to work on this important issue.

Thank you.
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