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Committee’s Bipartisan #RecordOfSuccess Grows Stronger as House Clears Three More Bills for President to Sign

Washington, November 13, 2014 | Sarah Criser (202-225-6405)

The House of Representatives today built upon the Energy and Commerce Committee’s bipartisan #RecordOfSuccess by sending three more pieces of legislation to the president’s desk for signature. The House today approved by unanimous consent the Senate versions of three House-passed bills: the E-LABEL Act (S. 2583), the Sunscreen Innovation Act (S. 2141), and the Traumatic Brain Injury Reauthorization Act (S. 2539).

The Enhance Labeling, Accessing, and Branding of Electronic Licenses (E-LABEL) Act, S. 2583, is bipartisan legislation that mirrors the House passed H.R. 5161, authored by Communications and Technology Subcommittee Vice Chairman Bob Latta (R-OH). The legislation removes the requirement that electronic devices contain a physical label detailing information required by the FCC and gives manufacturers the option of providing that same information on the screen of the device.

“We are in the midst of an innovation era where ground-breaking technologies and devices are introduced almost daily,” said Latta. “Therefore, it is imperative that we continue to utilize technology to modernize federal requirements, improve efficiency and unleash American entrepreneurship. The bipartisan E-LABEL Act provides device manufacturers increased flexibility and lowers costs, so they can reinvest in next-generation technologies that consumers demand.”

The Sunscreen Innovation Act

The Sunscreen Innovation Act, S. 2141, establishes a more efficient review process of new sunscreen ingredients while maintaining strict safety standards. In July the House approved similar legislation, H.R. 4250, authored by committee members Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY) and Rep. John Dingell (D-MI).

“I am pleased to be sending the president this commonsense bill to fix the broken approval process for new sunscreen ingredients,” commented Whitfield. “It has been far too long since the United States has approved any new sunscreen ingredients; meanwhile, the risks of overexposure to the sun have become increasingly well-known. With the president’s signature, Americans will finally be able to begin purchasing products that take advantage of improved research.”

The Traumatic Brain Injury Reauthorization Act

The Traumatic Brain Injury Reauthorization Act (S. 2539) reauthorizes programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to track and reduce the incidence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to provide support programs for TBI patients and their families. This legislation is similar to the House passed H.R. 1098.

“We have had a tremendous amount of success in advancing bipartisan bills to improve the public health this Congress,” said Health Subcommittee Chairman Joe Pitts (R-PA). “This important bill will allow our researchers to continue to strengthen the early diagnoses and treatment of traumatic brain injuries. Millions of Americans live with a disability that is the result of a TBI. This bill will help them and their families.”

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