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Latta: No More Automatic Pay Raises for Congress

Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) has re-introduced legislation, H.R. 668, to eliminate automatic pay raises for Members of Congress. Under current law, passed in 1989, Members of Congress are slated to receive automatic annual adjustments unless stopped by Congressional legislation. Because the pay increases are automatic, Members of Congress can receive a raise without having to go on record to vote for it. Members of Congress have voted to freeze Congressional pay over the previous eight years and have not received a salary increase since 2009.
“For our democratic system to work, it’s critical that the public trust their elected officials,” said Latta. “Unfortunately, current law allows Members of Congress to receive automatic pay increases without having to go on the record. As many small businesses and families are still grappling with a sluggish economy, it should be completely transparent who in Congress is voting to increase their own pay.”

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