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Latta Supports Effort to Preserve the Great Lakes

Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH5) released the following statement after voting in support of H.R. 4031, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Act of 2019: 

“The Great Lakes are the crown jewel of our region. They are the largest freshwater system in the world and protecting Lake Erie and the other lakes has always been a focus of mine in Congress. Communities in Northwest Ohio rely on the Great Lakes for drinking water and they are the source for jobs, recreation, and more. The GLRI is a significant effort to protect and preserve the Great Lakes so that generations to come have fresh fish to eat and safe water for drinking. But even more than that, this bipartisan and bicameral legislation works to eliminate harmful algal blooms, protect and restore habitats for native species, combat the spread of invasive species, and bolster clean-up efforts in designated Areas of Concern. I am proud the House voted to further address ongoing environmental concerns that threaten public health, water quality, wildlife, and economic disruption.”

Congressman Latta serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and has been a leader in implementing clean drinking water policies. He is a longtime supporter Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and has also joined his colleagues to send multiple letters advocating for the preservation of the Great Lakes. Additionally, Congressman Latta is the author of the Drinking Water Protection Act, a bill that became law in 2015 that amends the Safe Drinking Water Act to provide for the assessment and management of the risk of algal toxins in drinking water.  


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