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Latta, Matsui Lead Bill to Reauthorize NTIA, Ensure Taxpayer Dollars are Responsibly Used to Increase Broadband Internet Connectivity

NTIA Reauthorization Act approved by Communication and Technology Subcommittee, first reauthorization of NTIA in 30 years

Today, Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH5) and Congresswoman Doris Matsui’s (D-CA7) legislation, the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) Reauthorization Act, was approved by the Communications and Technology Subcommittee. This legislation will improve the management of spectrum, develop a national strategy to close the digital divide, and update the mission and functions of the agency.

With Congress recently providing NTIA with $48.2 billion to address broadband deployment and digital equity and inclusion, Latta’s NTIA Reauthorization Act would give NTIA the tools to be successful in their mission and ensure American tax dollars are not wasted.

“While the NTIA plays a role in closing the digital divide for Americans who lack basic broadband Internet access, it’s the responsibility of Congress to re-evaluate these duties and ensure the agency has the tools and guidance to appropriately carry them out,” Latta said. “As Chair of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee, I’m pleased to have advanced the first reauthorization of the NTIA in 30 years. This important, bipartisan legislation I’m leading with my colleague, Congresswoman Matsui, will help the agency carry out their mission to connect more Americans while ensuring taxpayer dollars are not wasted.”

“Since NTIA was last reauthorized over three decades ago, the pace of technological innovation has accelerated exponentially,” Matsui said. “From spectrum governance to the digital economy, NTIA must be empowered to keep America the vanguard of global tech leadership. The bipartisan NTIA Reauthorization Act modernizes NTIA’s mission and provides new tools to ensure the agency can keep up with the pace of innovation.”

Background on the NTIA:

NTIA plays a significant role in closing the digital divide, managing our nation’s spectrum, and advocating the United States’ telecommunications position on the world stage. NTIA has not been reauthorized since 1992, causing it to fall behind in new tools and direction to carry out the mission of connecting all Americans and finally closing the digital divide.

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