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Congressman Bob Latta

Ohio's 5th District


Latest News

Latta Reintroduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Tyler's Law to Prevent Fentanyl Overdoses

This week, Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH) reintroduced Tyler's Law, legislation aimed at preventing fentanyl overdoses in the United States. The bill requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to complete a stud...

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Latta Statement on President Trump's Joint Address to Congress

Today, Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH5) provided the following statement in response to President Donald Trump's joint address to Congress: "After four years of the Biden administration failing to address record inflation, soari...

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Energy & Commerce Committee Advances Latta, Kelly Precision Agriculture Satellite Connectivity Act

Today, the House Energy and Commerce Committee advanced the Precision Agriculture Satellite Connectivity Act - led by Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH5) and Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-IL2) - to help farmers more easily incorpora...

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Recent Votes

Date RC# Bill Number# TITLe Vote
03/11/25 71 H.J.Res. 25 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of t... Yea
03/11/25 70 H.R. 1968 Full-Year Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025... Yea
03/11/25 69 H.R. 1968 Full-Year Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025... Nay
03/11/25 68 H.R. 1156 Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Enforcement Act Yea
03/11/25 67 H.Res. 211 Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Re... Aye
03/11/25 66 H.Res. 211 Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Re... Yea
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