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Latta Leads Congressional Effort to Overturn FCC Rule to Control the Internet

Today, Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH5) introduced a Congressional Resolution disapproving of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) recently announced rule to reclassify broadband under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934, essentially reclassifying broadband as a public utility.

“It’s incredulous we’re having the debate again about the FCC’s so-called ‘net neutrality’ order when its repeal in 2017 led to lower prices, faster Internet speeds, and increased investment in broadband networks," Latta said. "Once again, the Biden administration is prioritizing heavy-handed government control, made evident in the FCC’s latest push to control the Internet. That’s why I’m introducing a Congressional Resolution Act today to overturn this misguided decision and to keep the agency from imposing stifling regulations that will hinder our ability to expand broadband Internet access and close the digital divide.”

“Democrats were wrong in 2017 when they said repealing Net Neutrality would break the internet, and they are wrong now for trying to reimpose their suffocating regulations," Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers said. "Since repealing Net Neutrality, the U.S. has seen faster internet speeds, more investment in broadband networks, and lower prices for millions of Americans, yet Democrats want to go backwards. I commend Rep. Latta for leading to stop the Biden administration’s heavy-handed regulations, which would only increase prices for Americans and worsen the digital divide.”

Last month, Latta and Chair Rodgers released a joint statement condemning the FCC’s decision and called for its reversal. The lawmakers also led a letter to FCC Chair Rosenworcel last year, signed by every Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee, to express their disappointment and opposition that the FCC would vote to reclassify fixed and mobile broadband as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934.

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