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Strangled by Red Tape

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Since 2009, we have seen an unprecedented surge in federal regulations. In fact, according to the Republican staff of the Congressional Joint Economic Committee (JEC), this administration has expanded red tape by 52% in completed regulations that cost the economy at least $100 million annually, compared to the previous administration over the same time frame. In 2012 alone, there…

National Healthcare Leaders Honor Congressman Bob Latta For Leadership in Healthcare Innovation

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The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC), a coalition of leaders of the nation’s premier health care companies and organizations, honored Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) as a “Champion of Healthcare Innovation” at an award ceremony in Washington. “Perfecting a 21st century healthcare system that is both affordable and accessible for all Americans and that provides care of the…

Latta Honors U.S. Military Service Academy Appointments

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On Sunday, April 29, Congressman Latta honored U.S. Military Service Academy Appointments for the incoming class of 2016. This year six students received appointments and were recognized at an afternoon reception with Congressman Latta and their families.  “I am extremely proud to have nominated great students to our nation’s Service Academies,” said Latta. “I want to congratulate…

The Truth About the President’s Energy Strategy

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White House Claim: “Domestic oil production has increased every year President Obama has been in office.” Truth: Domestic oil production is up in spite of President Obama’s obstructionist policies. The president likes to boast that American oil production has risen, but that is due to production increases on private and state lands. Production on federally controlled…

Help House Republicans pass 27 jobs bills

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Data reported by POLITICO shows our economy isn't improving.  • The Federal Reserve has announced it will keep interest rates low through 2014, a sign of its pessimism about the pace of the economic recovery. • The Commerce Department found the nation’s economy grew at a 2.8 percent rate in the fourth quarter of 2011, a faster pace than the rest of the year but worse than…

Three years later: Stimulus hasn't worked

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On February 1, 2009, President Obama said when speaking on the economy, “If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”  Three years later, the results couldn’t be clearer. The failed policies and broken promises of the President’s trillion-dollar stimulus have made things worse. As the chart below illustrates, the policies of the Obama…

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

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I serve on the Environment & Economy Subcommittee of the House Committee on Energy & Commerce, which has jurisdiction over the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).  The NRC is responsible for ensuring the safety of the United States’ 104 nuclear reactors, as well as managing nuclear waste.  In May, the Subcommittee held a hearing with the NRC’s Inspector General…

The Utica Shale in Ohio: Getting it Right

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On Tuesday, Congressman LaTourette and I will host a natural gas round table with Ohio regulators, shale oil and gas development companies and end-users. The discussion will focus on addressing the following three key points: What are the potential economic benefits of shale development to the State of Ohio? How would the economic benefits be affected from a…

Latta Embraces National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

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In support of October’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) is urging all Ohio small businesses to take cybersecurity precautions to protect themselves against cyberattacks. Congressman Latta is one of 12 members serving on the House Republican Cybersecurity Task Force. What is Cybersecurity? Cybersecurity is measures taken to protect a…

Letter to President Obama: Independent investigation needed in Fast and Furious

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Dear President Obama, Gun trafficking across the U.S.-Mexico border is a serious issue that cannot be ignored.  However, I am greatly concerned about the details that are surfacing about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) Operation Fast and Furious that was a failed attempt to track this growing problem.   Along with many of my constituents, I am…

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