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The Washington Times: Cyberthreats sponsored by Chinese Communist Party

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Click here to read the full op-ed in The Washington Times. "Tens of millions of families and small businesses across the country use wireless routers as their primary access point to the internet. Many of these routers are susceptible to infiltration by foreign actors, including China, jeopardizing our national security and exposing our country to serious danger.  "Just…

The Washington Examiner: EPA's new power plant rule is neither technologically nor economically feasible

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Excerpt:  "The Biden administration has once again demonstrated it is more interested in appeasing radical environmental activists than supporting American jobs and securing North American energy independence.  "The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officially announced last month a stringent new rule that would effectively force power plants to shut down if they don’t…

The Washington Times: Baseload Capacity is Key to American Energy Success

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Excerpt:  "As the United States stands at the crossroads of its energy future, two things are abundantly clear: we need more energy production to meet American’s demands, and the Biden administration‘s war on North American energy production must come to quick and decisive end. "House Republicans have been working diligently to reverse the Biden administration‘s…

The Plain Dealer: TikTok's choice - sever ties with China or shut down in the US: Bob Latta

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EXCERPT: Communist China-linked TikTok has demonstrated how much power it wields to influence its users. Recently, TikTok prohibited access to its app for American users until they entered their ZIP code and called their members of Congress to stop what they are falsely claiming is a “ban” on TikTok. Thousands of calls flooded congressional offices – including mine in Washington,…

BG Independent: Southern border must be prioritized

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As the Representative for Ohio’s Fifth District in Congress, I have visited and inspected our nation’s southern border four times. I take these opportunities because I believe the federal government has a duty and responsibility to protect and secure our nation’s borders.  That is why I traveled to the small southern border town of Eagle Pass, Texas, this month. What I witnessed and…

Washington Times: Harnessing nuclear power key to U.S. energy independence

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Tags: Energy

Just outside the village of Piketon, Ohio, a clean, renewable form of energy is on the brink of being unleashed. Centrus Energy, the first high-assay low-enriched uranium, or HALEU, production site in the United States licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is leading the way in advancing U.S. gas centrifuge uranium enrichment technology to produce HALEU. In other words, HALEU is…

Norwalk Reflector: Honoring our nation's heroes on Veterans Day

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Tags: Veterans

As we take time to honor and thank our nation’s heroes this Veterans Day, I have been reflecting upon a journey I embarked on with an outstanding group of Vietnam veterans — and it all started more than two years ago. In July of 2021, I received a book at my Bowling Green office entitled Up Close & Personal that detailed the history of a group of men serving in the Vietnam War as…

Washington Times: Rush to expand electric vehicle fleets is misguided

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Since our inception as a nation, our people have thrived on a free-market economy rooted in the basic principles of freedom, individual liberty, and personal responsibility. This economic prowess, however, remains threatened by the looming heavy hand of the federal government. As we have seen time and time again, when government imposes its will on free markets, economies falter and…

Washington Times: U.S. Writes its Own Destiny with Energy Independence

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Tags: Energy

When President Joe Biden assumed the office of the presidency, he stated, “America writes its own destiny.” I agree. As Americans, we write our own destiny. It’s through the core tenants of freedom, self-responsibility, hard work, entrepreneurship, and free markets that have helped write and shape America’s destiny. While I would hope President Biden’s remarks would be rooted in these…

The Courier: Solutions to the fentanyl, southern border crisis

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107,622. Each digit of that number represents an American who died of a drug overdose in 2021. Hitting even closer to home, right here in Ohio, there were 5,017 drug overdose deaths in one year. The vast majority of these deaths have been attributed to a deadly, illicit substance that has become a scourge in communities across our nation. Its name? Fentanyl. These statistics are…

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