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Congressional Trackers Rank Latta Among Most Effective U.S. Representatives

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Two nonpartisan Congressional trackers, and the Center for Effective Lawmaking, have ranked Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) among the most effective U.S. Representatives in comparison to his Congressional colleagues. While using two different methods for tracking members of Congress, both placed Latta high on their scorecards when it came to authoring bills that are signed into law.

“Getting things done for the people of Ohio’s 5th Congressional District is my top priority as their representative,” said Latta. “I’ve passed legislation over the previous few Congresses to protect drinking water from harmful algal toxins, combat the opioid epidemic in our communities, and ensure farmers can use cutting-edge technology to do their jobs in a way that is safer, more efficient, and better for the environment. I’m not afraid to roll up my sleeves and do the tough job of legislating – especially when it comes to policies that will help my constituents – and the findings from these Congressional trackers recognizes that.”, an independent website that publishes information on the status of federal legislation and information on individual representatives, puts out “report cards” at the end of each Congress. According to report cards released on the 113th114th, and 115th Congresses, Congressman Latta has had 10 bills signed into law over that time. Only five current members of the House have had more bills signed into law during that time period (Rep. Don Young, R-AK; Rep. Doug Collins, R-GA; Rep. Kevin Brady, R-TX; Rep. Hal Rodgers, R-KY; and Rep. Chris Smith, R-NJ), placing Latta in the top 2% of House legislators in terms of effectiveness.

Another congressional tracking group, the Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL), also found that Congressman Latta ranks near the top in effectiveness using their analytical method. CEL uses fifteen different indicators to form a Legislative Effectiveness Score (LES) that ranks Members of Congress. According to CEL, Latta ranked in the top 10% of House Republicans last Congress (24th out of 244), and 2nd highest in the Ohio delegation behind Rep. Steve Chabot. In addition, CEL ranked Latta 2nd in Ohio delegation for the 114th Congress, only behind former Congressman Pat Tiberi. In the 113th Congress, CEL ranked Latta as the most effective Member of Congress from Ohio.


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