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Opinion Pieces

Let states regulate energy development

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Tags: Energy

Too often, Washington ignores the complexities inherent in our vast and diverse nation and reverts to a one-size-fits-all approach in which Washington “knows” best. Most federal agencies operate under this assumption. The Environmental Protection Agency provides a perfect example. It sets uniform standards for the effects of energy production on air and water, regardless of the…

America’s jobless recovery

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After 28 consecutive months of high unemployment, and with the rate still at 9.1 percent, the White House tells us this is simply a “bump on the road to recovery.” However, for the 13.9 million Americans still unemployed, we are still miles and many bumps away from having a recovered economy. During the first quarter of this year, GDP grew at 1.8 percent, down from 2010’s final quarter…

Embracing the new media landscape

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Twenty years ago, if you wanted to contact your member of Congress, you mailed them a letter or picked up your home phone and called their office. Today you can send a text from your mobile phone or an email from your iPad. In a little over a decade, the Internet has revolutionized the relationship between elected representatives and their constituents. Now, almost every member has a…

Fuel for Thought this Driving Season

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Last week, gasoline prices in Ohio fell by 32 cents right before the Memorial Day weekend. This was welcome news for Americans as they prepare for the upcoming driving season.  The drop in prices, however welcome, isn’t enough. Americans, many of whom still experience financial hardship from the 2008 economic downturn, are not happy about paying nearly $4 per gallon at the pump.…

America needs solutions at pump

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I do a lot of driving. Last weekend, I filled up my Chevy Impala in Bowling Green — and it cost $42. When gas prices rise, Americans suffer. Increased fuel costs threaten to wipe out many of the gains made in the fragile economic recovery. New revenues will go toward increased fuel costs, instead of businesses investing in new hiring and capital investments. Families will be forced to…

Medicaid Cost Makes Ohio's Budget Ill

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In the midst of last year’s health care debate, President Barack Obama said, “Everybody out there who talks about deficits has to acknowledge that the single biggest driver of our deficits is health care spending.” I agree. Health care costs pose significant fiscal challenges at all levels of government. The problem, however, is that the president’s health care overhaul has made Ohio’s…

Putting America’s Fiscal House in Order

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In the month since President Obama’s State of the Union, we have learned that the President’s message to the American people is simply political rhetoric. On January 25th, the President uttered these words:  “Now, the final, critical step in winning the future is to make sure we aren't buried under a mountain of debt.” However the President’s 2012 budget is full of fiscal pipe…

Ending Red Tape Will Help Create Jobs

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Every weekend, I have the opportunity to return home from Washington and meet with constituents’ of Ohio’s Fifth Congressional District.  The message I have received from them is simple: The American people are tired of policies that continue to prolong our sluggish economy.  As part of our Pledge to America, House Republicans have made job creation a priority in addressing…

Buyer’s Remorse: What to Expect Under Health Care “Reform” Package

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Over the past year, Congress conducted an extensive debate on health care reform.  No one will argue that we do not need health care reform, and I was proud to support meaningful alternatives that unfortunately never received hearings or debate in the House.  While I believe the legislative and debate process used to pass this health care reform package was flawed, it is now…

Congressman Bob Latta Health Care Op/Ed

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As Congress begins its August district work period, the House of Representatives continues to debate the health care proposal introduced by the House Democrat Leadership.  H.R. 3200 is a massive overhaul of our nation’s health care system that will put the federal government in control of the health care of millions of Americans.  Even though the House of Representatives will not vote on…

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