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Latta Letter of Support for Solar Energy Research Grant

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On October 21, Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) sent a letter of support to U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu regarding a recent application by the Solar Valley Research Enterprise (SVRE) for solar energy research funds that will benefit Northwest Ohio.  The letter can be found here.  SVRE is a not-for-profit organization formed by the University of Toledo,…

Latta Writes DOJ to Ensure Absentee Ballots for Overseas Armed Forces are Counted

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Earlier this week, Congressman Bob Latta signed onto a letter to United States Attorney General Eric Holder regarding the MOVE Act.  The MOVE Act requires states to mail unmarked absentee ballots to military and overseas voters at least 45 days prior to an election.  The bill does allow for states to apply for a waiver from the 45-day requirement, but only if at least one of…


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Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) is notifying small nonprofit organizations that if they have not filed returns for 2007, 2008 and 2009, their tax-exempt status will be discontinued by the Internal Revenue Service.  Hundreds of entities in Northwest and Central Ohio are at risk of losing their tax-exempt status; however, it can be preserved by filing returns by October 15,…

Latta Opening Statement from Salmonella Outbreak Hearing

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Congressman Robert E. Latta The Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Opening Statement – For the Record September 22, 2010 MR. CHAIRMAN; RANKING MEMBER BURGESS: Thank you for holding this subcommittee hearing on the outbreak of Salmonella in eggs, as incidences of contaminated food products are a serious concern for public health. …

Celebrating Constitution Day 2010

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I have always been thankful that so many of our country’s greatest leaders and statesmen were able to be on this earth at the same time and place to draft the Constitution.  As a lifelong student of history and government, we were blessed as a nation to have individuals that put self-interest and sectionalism aside to debate, argue, draft and sign the Constitution.  Our…

Latta Signs Letter to Prevent Taxpayer-Funded Abortions at Military Facilities

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Today, Congressman Bob Latta, along with 179 of his pro-life colleagues, sent a letter to Senate and House leadership.  The letter urges House and Senate leadership to reject an amendment to the  FY2011 National Defense Authorization Act offered by Senator Roland Burris (D-IL) to strike Section 1093(b) of Title 10 of the US Code.  The amendment, which  passed by a vote…

Ohio Congressional Delegation Letter to President Obama asking FEMA for Appeal

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On June 25th Congressman Bob Latta joined Ohio Senators George Voinovich and Sherrod Brown, in addition to Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur in sending a letter to President Obama asking FEMA to reconsider their decision to not declare Wood, Fulton, and Ottawa Counties as federal disaster areas in the wake of the deadly tornados that hit the area on June 5th.  A copy of the letter can be…

Latta Letter to President Obama Asking for Temporary Jones Act Waiver

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On June 25 Congressman Bob Latta sent a letter to President Obama asking him to temporarily waive the Jones Act within the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 which could allow foreign ships and vessels to assist with the ongoing cleanup in the Gulf of Mexico.  In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, President Bush issued a similar waiver to the Jones Act to allow foreign ships and…

Latta Joins Letter Opposing Berwick as CMS Administrator

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Congressman Bob Latta recently signed onto a letter with other House Republicans opposing the nomination of Dr. Donald Berwick as CMS Administrator.  The letter, sent to President Obama, highlights Dr. Berwick's previous statements supporting the rationing of health care in the United States. 

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